The Simple Things

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make all the difference. Yesterday I headed down to Byron Bay (actually to  Tallow Beach Houses where I run the Embracing Health Retreats!) as I have been invited to speak at the Nurses For Nurses Retreat being held there this week. My topics were the issues of stress and fatigue,  moving into more specifics on adrenal fatigue and thyroid disorders, as well as a session on the emotional aspects of healing.

Pouring Water

I was an absolutely fantastic day, with a group of wonderful nurses, sharing their stories and having a laugh. But it was during one of the breaks when I returned a call from a voice mail message that had been left on my phone the day before, that I had a conversation that would lift my spirits into the stratosphere.

The lady who answered the phone said that she’d had a naturopathic consultation many years ago with me, when I was the resident naturopath at Hippocrates Health Centre. I said, “Goodness, that was a while ago now!” and she said “Yes, I was 73 then when I came to see you and I’m 82 years old now.” and she went on to say: “You were the one Leisa, who taught me how to drink water. Until I met you I didn’t drink water at all, and in that one consultation you taught me how to drink water properly, and you know what? I am still drinking plenty of water to this day, and I put my good health down to that one simple change.”

As we wander through life, doing our best, sometimes we just have no idea how far the ripples flow out. This lovely lady remembered my name from nine years previously when I helped her with a health issue and taught her how to drink water. The magic of that one simple remedy rippled through her life and made a full circle to touch back to mine. The light that lit up my heart from her simple, but heartfelt thank you was the most precious gift anyone could have given me. Simple, but touched with grace.




from EmbracingHealthBlog | Alternative Health and Lifestyle Views

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